Tuesday, February 28, 2012


To be honest, I've got very little to say here this week. I've been submerged in writing the sequel to Finding Angel. I considered writing about that, but I can't unwind my brain.

Anyway, since the Daytona 500 was postponed to last night, my evening was filled with the TV blaring the roar of cars, well...driving in circles. (I do not, and doubt I ever will, understand the appeal of that. But my husband does, hence the TV. Sigh.)

Because I could not concentrate on writing, even with massive headphones on (projecting a not-quite-comparable-to-the-cars blare of music), I decided to draw. This is the (unfinished) result:

She's based on a photo of a girl I took at the Sarasota Medieval Fair a little over a year ago:

So, yes, I know mine is different. I didn't tackle the glasses, and changed some details. But I had fun drawing it. I felt like a dork asking this girl if I could take her picture, but I just loved her costume--does she not look adorable? I sure hope she's okay with me posting it. If you are ever at a Medieval Fair and see her, go buy something at her vendor booth so she doesn't get mad at me :).

I'm not sure if I'll finish off this drawing or start a new one that's not so animationy.

And maybe I'll turn her into a character in my book....


Unknown said...

I like your art style. Even though your illustration doesn't look exactly like the girl at the fair, I like your interpretation of her. And medieval fairs are fun - our area's renaissance fair is going on right now.

Kat Heckenbach said...

Thanks, David :).

Kessie said...

Hey, that's coming along pretty good. I like the wing thingies in her hair. That's quite a costume. I think the girl in your sketch needs fairy wings. Of course, I just watched Hook and I have Tinkerbell on the brain.

Kat Heckenbach said...

Thanks, Kessie. I hadn't thought of fairy wings....hm....

Fred Warren said...

Very cool, Kat. By the by, I just tagged you for the "Versatile Blogger Award." It's more of a meme than an award, though I do think you're pretty versatile...play if you like, no pressure. Details at http://frederation.wordpress.com/2012/02/28/tagged-again/


Kat Heckenbach said...

Thanks, Fred :). Should be fun--and it gives me a topic for my next blog, eh?