Here are the rules of the blog award:
1) Thank the person who tagged me. THANK YOU LYNN RUSH √
2) Copy and Paste the award on my blog. √
3) Link to the person who nominated me. √
4) Tell up to 6 lies and 1 truth about myself. √
5) Tag at least 7 people for this award. √
6) Post links to their blogs. √
7) Comment on each of their blogs to inform them of the nomination. √
Here are the lies (and one truth):
I was born in Florida.
I hate chocolate.
I'm allergic to dogs.
My favorite color is pink.
I once won a jalepeno-eating contest.
I've competed in three marathons.
I've never been to a concert.
So...which one do you think is true??
Ok, I tag:
Shawna Williams (Yay, No Other coming out May 1st!)
Amy Deardon
Lexi Williams
Jacob Parker (and his boss cool book cover!)
Nathan Petrie
Thanks much! :-)
One truth? Hmm... Do you have a taste for jalepenos? :-)
Nah, I'll guess that you're allergic to dogs.
Hi Kat,
Thanks for tagging me! I'll put this up on Wednesday.
In the meantime, I'm going to guess that you've competed in 3 marathons. I'm impressed :-)
Okay, what do I need to do? My brain is a little mushy.
I'll say the truth is I hate Chocolate. :-)
OK, apparently Blogger is being fussy this morning and won't let me publish Lynn Rush's comment. She guessed that the truth is "I hate chocolate."
Anyone else to venture a guess????
I'm going with the chocolate mmmm. I took a long time to guess. This is hard. Great fun!
Well, I didn't read your blog until you had already posted the answer, but I still knew it. And not just because I knew about the jalapeno-eating contest, but because I actually knew the rest were lies. Hah! We may not have hung out much in recent years, but history has its advantages!
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