Seems like all I ever do lately is post links on Facebook. But there's good reason--so much is happening! I decided that today I'm just going to compile a bunch of stuff here while I'm on a roll.
First, you can find the anthology FECKLESS, which contains my short "Delete," on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. This is an anthology of horror stories, some with a Christian bent, and some, just bent ;).
For a full list with links to all the anthologies that contain my short stories, visit my Amazon Author Page.
Second, there is all kinds of crazy stuff going on at Splashdown Books. If you aren't signed up for their newsletter, get over to the site and sign up. You'll discover that there are some cool new releases coming out. And Splashdown will be launching a new imprint in June: Darkwater. Check it out and see if you can brave the deep.

Third, it's all about me :). I've been messing around on Zazzle again, and updated my store. If you like beetles, and my artwork, and you'd like to combine those on cool t-shirts and other stuff, please visit my store, An Inordinate Fondness. I'll be adding new designs as I create them. Everything is customizable, so you can change the style and color of shirts, add text, whatever.
While you're there, make sure you click on my "profile" to see a self-portrait I drew. It was done on request of the editor over at Port Yonder Press, as she wants the illustrators of The Book of Sylvari: An Anthology of Elves to have self-portraits instead of photos with our bios. (Yes, that last link is for Facebook. If you're not on FB, I'm sorry. If you are, get over there and "Like" the page, please!) I've done three drawings for the anthology, and will let you know as soon as it is available for purchase.
Finally, a "missing link." Yep, I was supposed to have a short story coming out this month in Daikaijuzine. But their February issue has been delayed until March. Sigh...I understand, though. I personally know several people who run online magazines like Daikaijuzine and it is HARD WORK. These people generally do this for nothing, or next to nothing, and have full-time jobs on top of editing and producing the 'zines. So I will not gripe, but admit I'm a bit disappointed. It's a story I've been waiting a while to see in print.
So...let's end this on a happy note: I received notice that a short personal experience story of mine has made the short list for another Chicken Soup for the Soul anthology, due out in July. It's Chickens Soup for the Soul: Just for Preteens. And my story is called "Armored and Dangerous." Being on the short list there means that there is an ever so slight chance the story could get cut, but that generally doesn't happen unless there is an issue with it, such as a conflict of rights ownership, and there is nothing hindering my story so I fully expect it to make it in.
If you've made it this far, I thank you. Long post, I know. But so much news to share! Now get busy checking out those links.
1 comment:
Congrats Kat on the pubs and art successes. You're getting a lot of mileage off that beetle and key. : )
How do you find out about all these anthologies? I'll understand if you don't want to give away your trade secrets.
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