THAT: I was hoping for more responses to my last blog post. But I understand not everyone has an opinion on ebooks since they're, relatively speaking, a fairly new phenomenon. Still, it seems like with the pace at which their popularity is growing, more people would have chimed in. I do appreciate the opinions of those who provided them.

There is a very real reason I asked the ebook question, though. I can't share all the details, but a small press has shown interest in Finding Angel. A print version is the ultimate goal, but the publisher's print calendar is full for 2010, and 2011 depends a bit on the success of the 2010 releases. In the meantime an ebook version could be put out, but it would be a waste of time for everyone if my audience (mostly teens, that is) does not read ebooks.
So, if you have anything to add to the discussion given that information, go to it. If not, no biggie. I'm still chugging along.

Congrats on the ebook opportunity! I have no doubt the day is coming when ebooks will be the primary medium for reading fiction. When that day comes, I'll convert wholeheartedly. But for now, since I get the vast majority of my reading material from the library, I haven't yet invested in an e-reader.
Hey girl, this is too exciting! Whoo hoo!
I am with the other KM, I think it is the wave of the future. . .how soon, don't know.
I am interested what the teens say!
Kat, your writing amazes me! I love the image of the boy being dependent on the coiled snake, and what a beautiful description of freedom. You are truly talented, and only a matter of time before your writing really starts being picked up.
As far as ebooks, these are the wave of the future. I don't think many teens have Kindles or ebook readers now. I do suspect the ebook readers will be much more common in, say, five years, and they will be a great way to carry heavy textbooks.
I would want to know before pubbing an ebook with this house if they are more interested in sales numbers now, or cultivating a promising author for the future? I'm not sure that you'd get many sales on an ebook form, since it seems to me this technology is still a little early. Have you asked the ACFW loop? They'll probably give you better sales estimates based on their own experience. However, pubbing the ebook with this house will build a relationship, and may help you move ahead in the future. Especially if the pub house can use your typesetting and cover art (or if you'd be able to draw another one-- another amazing talent :-)) this would make the ebook inexpensive for them to produce, and therefore they'd probably be less picky about sales numbers.
All things being equal, I'd tend to go for this. What a great problem to have. Congratulations!
Thanks, KM and KM :D. Yes, the wave of the future, for sure. I'm not on the bandwagon totally--I don't have an ereader, but I've got quite a few books on Kindle for PC (including yours, KMW!)
Amy, thank you for such sweet words. I'm smiling :D. And the publisher is definitely about putting authors first. One of the reasons I'd love to be with them. They are actually a print-only publisher right now, considering making their print books available in ebook format. If that were to happen, I could go that route first, while waiting for a spot in the print catalog to open. But I don't want to put them through it all if I know ahead of time my audience doesn't read ebooks--I'd rather go print right off even if it means waiting a while. And honestly, none of this is set--no contracts, no commitments, just talking right now.
That is so neat that you were able to be featured in a e-book! I think it is really neat that you are getting your work out there to be published and read by many people, I would love for others to be able to read my work!
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