Monday, June 7, 2010

What makes it all worthwhile...

This year an anthology came out that contains a story I wrote about my Grandmother. It took months for the publishing process. Then, I had to order copies of the book. The publisher is in Canada, so we're talking international shipping, which can take a while. In my case, a while meant forever (or never, depending how you look at it) as the package got lost in the mail. I had to email the publishing company (nice people! no issues with them!) in order to get another shipment sent out. Finally, though, I got the copies of the anthology.

I gave copies to my Grandmother (my dad's mom), my dad and my aunts. It was a teary scene :).

Here's a picture of me and my dear Grandmother (holding the book, and the mirror that had belonged to her--now me--which inspired the story):

Tell me that face wasn't worth the wait!

(BTW--she is 97 years old. Sharp as a tack, too.)


KM Wilsher said...

ahhhh. Look at you two :0)!

Congrats on the Anthology!!!!

LynnRush said...

OMG. This is GREAT! Thanks for sharing and congrats on the book. Woo-Hoo!!

Mom said...

I love the picture of you and Grandmother because I love you both! Reading your story made me teary-eyed, too, and I'm sorry I ran across the book on your bookshelf and spoiled your surprise for my Mother's Day gift. You are an awesome daughter and I'm so proud of you! Grandmother and I are so lucky and blessed to have you in our lives. Keep writing, Kathy. You're incredibly talented and gifted at touching people's lives with stories about your experiences. And your fantasy stories are wonderful! I've gushed enough and embarrassed you, I'm sure:)

I love you,


Kat Heckenbach said...

Thanks, all :).

And no, Mom, the gushing doesn't embarrass me (much :P). But, boy, it's a good thing I don't have a pen name, or everyone would be going, "Huh? Who's Kathy?" (My friends started calling me Kat, oh, about 27 years ago...but the family is a little slow at catching on.)

Shawna K. Williams said...

Kat that's a beautiful picture! Love it!

Unknown said...

Very nice! Good thing all that trouble was worth it. Congrats on the anthology :)