Wednesday, January 13, 2010

little bits

Just to mention a few upcoming things...

My story "A Day Better Spent" will be in The Absent Willow Review in a couple of days! I'll post the link as soon as it's up.

Also, the anthology I'm going to be in, which comes out June 2010, has cover art now! And I think it's pretty cool--check it out:

My story in The Four Horsemen is called "Clay's Fire." More info on that as I get it as well.

I'm nervously awaiting responses on several other short story submissions. A couple of places I know will be responding within the next few weeks. Getting close to answers on stories always gives me butterflies...

(You know, it's amazing how you can find a picture of just about anything online...)

That's it for now, I think. Hopefully lots more to come :).

1 comment:

KM Wilsher said...

Uh, hello, I guess I didn't understand that the Anthology was a done deal. OMG! So so cool. Congrats!!!! Happy dance here in AZ.
The cover? That is magnificent. . splendid. . .What a great first cover for you!
Clay's Fire is apropos for this!

Looking forward to the AWR story and the others coming up!