I find it ironic and, well, just kinda cool that posting my artwork has gotten so many comments. Ironic because this blog is supposed to be about me as a writer, but cool because who doesn't want to hear nice things about their creations?
Oh, and ironic and cool ALSO because my latest story just came out in Mindflights and the main character happens to be...you guessed it...an artist!
Before I give you the link, I HAVE to mention that this short story is based on a character in my novel, Finding Angel. It is NOT a chapter in the book, or even a rewrite of something that happens in the novel. It is an event that occurred many years before the timeline of Finding Angel, but is nonetheless significant. I am SO thrilled to have SOMETHING related to my novel in print :D.
OK, here's where to find the story:
"The Artist" by Kat Heckenbach in Mindflights.
Please let me know what you think!
I love this story, I am going to run over there and read it again :) you are an arteeeest!
Good story Kat :)
I liked the little glimpse of your created world.
The story had a great ending.
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