A friend recommended this book to me--for my kids, of course--after reading Max Lucado's Fearless. As a Thomas Nelson Book Review Blogger, I decided to request the book for review. Glad I did.
It's a little too young for my nine-year old son, but my six-year-old daughter loved it. She asked me to read it several times in a row the day it came in the mail. She really adored the pictures, too.
I found, as a parent reading out loud to my daughter, that the format of the wording was well thought-out. The fonts and print size helped me emphasize the right words and keep the beat of the story.
The message is a simple but important one--we're special because we're God's children and not because the "populars" approve of us. I recommend this highly to any parent of a young child--from the wee, early years (because the pictures are interesting and the book is the "right" length) through about first grade (pictures still interesting and message relevant).
Check out the first pages here.
Great review. This is going to be my nieces birthday gift from AK (aunt kathleen)! Thank you Kat!
I see that I'm not the only aunt looking for gift ideas! This sounds like a good candidate for a Christmas gift for my niece, who will be four in January. I normally like to go with a Caldecott book because I love art and I want her to love it too. So maybe I'll get two books--it won't hurt her.
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