Sunday, July 5, 2009

A little news, and a little more...

Just had to post that this week I've had three pieces accepted for publication! Two are personal essays that were accepted by Standard, a Sunday school periodical that has purchased several essays and personal experience stories from me already. The other is, I suppose what would technically be called "creative nonfiction," but what I prefer to call "a fantasy-infused personal experience story" :). It will appear in an anthology called Grandmother's Necklace (I'm not sure of the release date), which, as its name implies, will contain "gems" about grandmothers in the form of short prose and poetry.

This has come on the heels of me feeling highly bummed out over rejections on my book and a few short fiction pieces I've submitted lately. So, it is helping to lift my spirits.

Speaking of my short fiction--the post has moved down a bit in my blog, so here's a reminder about my story that is out in Christian Fiction Online Magazine right now. Here's the link:


Brandon Barr said...

I'm so excited about your publications! Congratulations.

Kat Heckenbach said...

Thanks, Brandon! Me, too :).