Monday, June 29, 2009

What Happened Next

OK, for the second time, Shawna Williams' short story "What Happened Next" is appearing in an online magazine. Check out Muscadine Lines at to read the whole mag, or for just Shawna's story.

I LOVE this story--I've read it I don't know how many times and I just don't get tired of it! It is such a hoot. Shawna is SO talented!!!!


Natalie~ said...

You're a writer, too?
Of course, you're stories, are, like, going to be professionally published. Mine are just bleh.

But then again, I'm only twelve. ^_^

Kat Heckenbach said...

Who's to say your stories are bleh? And being only twelve and writing is a good thing :). You have lots of time to improve--I didn't know I wanted to write back then, so now I'm an old dog learning new tricks. Stick with it!

Anonymous said...

I don't really know why I took the pic of the towel. I guess it's cuz I liked the contrast, and cuz I could. I'm weird that way :).