OK, for the second time, Shawna Williams' short story "What Happened Next" is appearing in an online magazine. Check out Muscadine Lines at http://www.asouthernjournal.com/index.htm to read the whole mag, or http://www.asouthernjournal.com/Ezine/2009v27williams.html for just Shawna's story.
I LOVE this story--I've read it I don't know how many times and I just don't get tired of it! It is such a hoot. Shawna is SO talented!!!!
You're a writer, too?
Of course, you're stories, are, like, going to be professionally published. Mine are just bleh.
But then again, I'm only twelve. ^_^
Who's to say your stories are bleh? And being only twelve and writing is a good thing :). You have lots of time to improve--I didn't know I wanted to write back then, so now I'm an old dog learning new tricks. Stick with it!
I don't really know why I took the pic of the towel. I guess it's cuz I liked the contrast, and cuz I could. I'm weird that way :).
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