Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Light and Serious, Dark and Quirky

I've got TWO short stories out right now. Both were published online in the last couple of days.

First, in Digital Dragon magazine is my short science fiction story "Prism." When the sun's light touches the prism, Eryk must choose which path to take. Click HERE to find out his choice. But first, look at the cool magazine cover--notice that they actually designed the cover around my feature story:

How cool is that?


Robynn Tolbert said...

I'm going to read these AFTER work. Your stories have a tendency to make me cry like a little girl.

Kat Heckenbach said...

Wow, Robynn, I'm going to take that as a compliment :).

I doubt either of these is "cry" material, though. Especially the second one. You may cry because you strain your eyes rolling them...

Janet Ramsdell Rockey said...

I love, love, love both these stories!!! :-}

Robynn Tolbert said...

I'm glad I waited. You at least got me teary-eyed with these. Loved 'em both.