During college my artistic passion waned a bit, and I changed my major to biology. Yes, I know, that's pretty random. But I didn't give up on my creative side. I spent some time painting store-bought figurines, including a Nativity set that took weeks to complete and is still my most cherished Christmas decoration.
I love the camel :).I also got into scrapbooking after my son was born. Don't let anyone tell you that doesn't take creativity. (And a bit of an obsessive personality....) But it's not the same as drawing when that's something you really loved doing.
So I grabbed my sketchpad a few years ago and drew my old boxer, Rocky.
Then I decided to draw a friend's cow. Don't ask.
But my world is not limited to the mundane, and I had to try my hands at some fantasy work.
Of course nothing says "fantasy" like a blue-skinned elf :P. This was my first attempt at using oil pastels for something other than background (like the scribbling behind the trippy cow).
I also discovered the fun of digital editing...
...and blue-skinned elf becomes green-skinned elf with purple hair :).
And last but not least, since we're talking digital editing, here's a photo I'm particularly proud of:
Alright, that brings us pretty up to date. My next post will technically be a book review and interview with Karina Fabian. Her latest release, Neeta Lyffe, Zombie Exterminator, just released and I had the privilege of reading an advanced copy. (Sneak peek here--I loved the book. Karina is hilarious.) So, look for that on the 19th, and then we'll get back into the art mode.
I thought I was the only person with gargoyles guarding places inside a house.
Another assumption shattered.
I just a review about Neeta Lyffe by Caprice Hokstad. Looking forward to yours.
Wow! I'd seen tho others and I love them, but that photo - amazing!
I am a Kat fan!
It's nice to see more drawings. That digital photo is top notch.
Thanks, all! :D
Okay, you know I meant to write "read a review," right? Sigh. That's what I get for commenting so early.
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