I'm taking a moment to breathe today. It feels as though I've been submerged. I decided to get back into the sequel for Finding Angel this week. I'd put it aside for a while in order to write some short stories and start a completely unrelated novel. But Seeking Unseen started calling again, and I answered. Got about 2500 words done, which is pushing me very close to 60,000 so far.
I've also just finished up a drawing for a superhero novel that will be released by Splashdown Books later this year. I can't give out any details quite yet, but as soon as I have the OK, I'll post the cover here. This is my second cover project for Splashdown. It's been loads of fun!
Hmmm...what else?
Poetry! Yep, I've got a poem accepted by a new magazine. A Flame in the Dark is the soon-to-launch sister zine to Digital Dragon. My poem "Serpent Uncoiled" will be featured in their premier issue on June 2nd!
I guess that's it for now. Other things are bubbling under the surface, but I can't post anything yet.
Wow, you are a published author??? That is so neat! I can't wait to see what the cover looks like. It's amazing what can inspire someone to write. Somedays I just sit down with a notebook and start doodling as ideas start flowing through my mind.
Hi Kat,
Congrats on the poem and the book cover. Love the picture for this entry. Killer whales are my favorite marine mammal.
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