My latest short story is in ResAliens magazine this month! "Dude" shows my...quirky side. And my scientist side. Hope you enjoy it!
BTW, ResAliens is the very first magazine I ever heard about that takes sci-fi/fantasy with a Christian bend. I've wanted for a while to submit something to them, but it needed to be just right, and when I wrote this story I knew it was the one. I was SO happy that they agreed!
*Writer tip--get to know the 'zines out there and make sure you tailor your submissions to them. Submitting something that you know fits their "style" will increase your chances of being accepted.*
To top it off, they've also accepted a story of mine for an anthology that will be coming out hopefully in another month or so. It's titled While the Morning Stars Sing, and the story I have in there is "The Guitar."
Anyway, check 'em out. You can order a subscription to their print version, or order pdf's or individual copies of the print magazine. Their first print anthology is also available at their storefront--the link is on the homepage.
Mindflights is another speculative Christian fiction accepting, demanding, magazine. But I think they closed submissions for now lol
Yep--I've got a story in Mindflights. I also have two in Digital Dragon. But those three stories are on the serious side. ResAliens is one I've wanted to get a quirky piece in :).
Dude, I've got to read your story: Dude. . .LOL
No, great title. I'm going over.
ResAliens sounds great!
I've learned so much from you~keep the wisdom flowing :0)
Hey, I loved this story. Fun! And it was great to see ResAliens I like that ezine :0)
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