As per my last post, I'm updating you on the latest regarding my marketing plans. I will have stories in two anthologies that release soon--one in February and one in March. They are both inspirational anthologies that would make great Mother's Day gifts.
Here's how it was planned out in my head:
1--Buy several of each book directly from the publisher. Most publishers offer great discounts to their authors, who can then turn around and sell the books for a profit.
2--Check out places locally where I can sell the books, individually, or as a two-for-a-discount deal. Places like churches, writers groups, and independently-owned shops.
3--Hit up every person I know--friend or foe, or that murky place in-between called family--to buy copies for themselves or as gifts.
4--I had even considered offering them online. That may be a bigger step than I am ready to take at this point. But it's not out of the running. The biggest hitch is shipping costs.
5--Post EVERYWHERE I can to get the word out. Facebook, my blog, your blog, websites I have yet to discover...
There are other ideas swirling around my brain, but these are the main ones.
Now for the snag: I can't purchase copies at a discount for one of the anthos! I'm not upset--that particular one was compiled for the sole purpose of donating all profits to charity, so I understand. But that means I can't use them as part of my marketing because I have to pay full price.
I will, of course, post the link everywhere possible to encourage sales directly through the organization that is putting out the antho. But my plans of selling that one locally are out the window, and no two-for deals :(.
In a way, this is good. I need to take this step by step.
Pondering my next post...
1 comment:
Nice thoughts, Kat! Love this step by step/play by play! It is all so exciting :)
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