Monday, December 14, 2009

I miss writing...

It's been a while since I've posted. I've been a little scarce on Facebook as well. A LOT going on. Nothing to do with my book or short stories--I won't bore you with the details of me working on our move. BUT, it's kind of the point of the post.

This process of moving has taken up so much of my time and energy...I've had nothing left over to put into writing. I miss it! I find myself picking up a book at the end of the day, and soon I feel a flutter at the back of my brain. Bubbles of thought beginning to rise to the surface. Bubbles I normally let pop, releasing the ideas so I can rush to the computer and record them. But lately, I've been flat-out too tired. And too preoccupied. If I let those little bubbles burst, the ideas get jumbled up with house searches and such, lost amid the clutter, tangled like Christmas lights (it's ok, you can grimace at that one :).

I'm looking forward to when this exhausting period is over. I can't wait to find a new place and get settled in, so I can let the creative juices flow freely again!


LynnRush said...

Hang in there. Moving IS tough, indeed, but just think of all the stories brewing. .. when you have time, they will gush out in abundance.

KM Wilsher said...

You know, moving is one of the top 5 stressful things you can ever do. And then you don't have time to channel your art. . .I am just impressed at how you are patient and calm waiting for this to be over and to write again!


Brandon Barr said...

I'm in the same boat right now...

owo xD said...

Ugh. Moving can be a pain. I believe my latest house tally numbered 9. Hang in there, it can be stressful, but once it's all over it feels really nice. =)