I've been debating about whether or not I should post this in my blog. It's personal, but something I normally have no issues sharing, and those of my readers who know me personally already know about this. I had intended to keep my blog completely writing/reading-focused...but sometimes the Holy Spirit nudges. I'm thinking this may be one of those times.
So here goes.
Nearly five years ago, I was diagnosed with cancer. It was days after my daughter's second birthday (my son was only four), and it was, of course, the hardest thing I ever had to hear. The technical term for my cancer is adenocarcenoma of the cervix. This is not the usual cervical cancer you hear about, the one there is supposedly a vaccine for (an issue I won't get into here, but I have definite opinions about)--the kind I had was more rare, albeit just as curable.
And cured, I am. In January of 2010, it will be five years since the end of my treatment (which included radiation and chemotherapy--no, I did not lose my hair, but I got sick as a dog) and I am CANCER-FREE!
The reason I chose to write about this now is that I have a follow-up appointment with my oncologist today, so of course it's on the forefront of my thoughts. I'm nervous....I know it will all go fine, and the doc will tell me, as always, "Looks good! See you in six months." But, I still get butterflies and ask everyone to pray for me.
I've written a few personal stories that touch on my cancer experience, and sold them to Sunday school magazines. And there is a lot in my book that is symbolic of different aspects of my cancer experience--it is a part of me, of what has made me who I am today. Not happy I had cancer--that completely sucked!--but I can now look back and see God at work all over my life, using my cancer as a way to build me up and bless me in totally unexpected ways.
So, any prayers will be appreciated. And when I get home today, I'll post the thumbs-up I know will come from the appointment. Thanks in advance!
Appointment's over, and of course, everything is fine :D. The doc actually said--not in these exact words--that exams so close together at this point are a formality. With the time that's passed, I'm really in the clear now, even though the "official" date isn't until the end of January 2010.
I will be praying. :)
Good to hear.
A few years ago a friend of mine complained about a pain in his back. Seven months later, he was dead. It's a solemn reminder to focus on the important things in life.
Wow! Kat, I missed this. I'm here tearing up! What an inspiration you are - a strong woman!
Thanks for sharing this. My grandma is like 10 years "cured of cancer". In a world without hope, these stories are so exciting. God is good! :)
No tears allowed :). My experience was a cakewalk compared to so many people I know. God was truly good to me during this, and some of my most precious memories come from this time. Not to mention my husband accepting Jesus as a result. Worth. Every. Moment.
Love you, Kat. You're an inspiration to me, and everyone you touch.
Ok, now I'm gonna tear up....
So glad to read your good news! My husband has been cancer-free for 8 years now. We used Rife Tecnology for his treatment. (Available only from Canada since the AMA & FDA won't allow it here.)
May God continue to bless you with good health!
YAY!!! I'm sooo happy that you are fine now!!! Praise the Lord!! : )
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