Friday, March 6, 2009

Feeling Peevish...

I went to Blockbuster tonight to rent a movie. When I came home I asked my husband if he could see the image of Edward Cullen burned on my pupils. There was nowhere to turn to get away from Twilight images! Posters covered every wall and the TV monitors were all running trailers for that wretched movie. Even in the check-out line I could not escape--surrounded by a wall of sugary snacks, I stood hopeful that the onslaught was over, only to turn my head and glimpse a whole rack of candy packs with Bella Swan's face and "Twilight" written across the bottom.

It took everything I had to not run screaming from the store before paying for my rental.

Am I jealous? Well, sure. I wrote a YA fantasy that I would love to see become a huge success. Do I want young girls swooning over Gregor? Yes, but he's a great guy, not a jerky, blood-thirsty undead. I do NOT, however, want those girls carrying around a Gregor doll. (Yeah, I saw an Edward Cullen doll at Borders one day. Ick.)

Ok, I know I'm going to have readers who love the Twilight series. I actually already do. (You know who you are, and I totally do not hold it against you!!) Maybe I'm digging my own grave here. But, I'm just over it. I admit Harry Potter was everywhere--maybe it didn't bug me so much because I love those books and movies.

Yeah, yeah. I get it. It's all personal preference. Whatever. My blog :).


Anonymous said...

I do have to admit and Edward Cullen doll is creepy. Plus, he wasn't really atractive at all in the movie. But I did preorder the movie (I still like it).

Anonymous said...

Oops! I put 'and' istead of 'an'. And I forgot to type two 't's in attractive! I always miss-type everything!

GirlforChrist said...

I agree. My PERSONAL preference, is that reading about a creature that has no soul, should be dead but isn't, dark and scary, and drinks BLOOD, is just something that goes against what is pure and holy. WWJD? Or in this case, Why Would Jesus Read It?

GirlforChrist said...

I agree. My PERSONAL preference, is that reading about a creature that has no soul, should be dead but isn't, dark and scary, and drinks BLOOD, is just something that goes against what is pure and holy. WWJD? Or in this case, Why Would Jesus Read It?

Kat Heckenbach said...

I actually have no issues with vampire stories, to be honest. I like dark fantasy very much. The problem with it is when it glorifies the evilness of it all. Brahm Stoker's "Dracula" is an awesome book, and it has some definite Christian themes in it. But Twilight makes vampirism something to aspire to. Much better to make Bella a strong female character who turns down the blood-thirsty undead and finds herself a real man--one who loves her for her and not the smell of her blood.

Shawna K. Williams said...

Well, I haven't read the books, but the part in the movie where he flies into her window to watch her sleep made me shudder. That is NOT romantic. It's stalking.

Janet Ramsdell Rockey said...

Okay...I'm going to show my age here. The only Dracula I've ever considered attractive was Frank Langella in the 1979 adaptation of the classic tale. He was hot! Well, at least he was hot in the end when he poofed into a flame as the sunlight caught up with him (tee hee).
